SLACKWARE installation: My machine (a ASUS motherboard with a 486DX2-66) came with one 540Mb SCSI-II disk, formatted to DOS and running DOS6.2. I wanted to have a 200Mb DOS and 300Mb linux partition. (I also added the highly recommended swap partition - i use 16Mb swap with 16Mb physical memory). Be sure to have the following ready: - a few (3 will do) floppies; they will contain the boot, root and final boot floppy - a directory on your DOS part with the A series (a1, a2, a3, a4) (4 floppies worth). The other series you can always do later So here was my path to victory: (be sure to write down on which ports the modem and mouse are located, and if you can, find out what kind of mouse you have e.g. microsoft compatible, PS/2 - busmouse etc.) before you start with this endeavor. I am also using the most simple (but probably more laborious) approach. If you can load linux from a CDROM, it's *a lot* easier. First in DOS: > SCANDISK (a DOS6 utility) to make sure disk is fine > DEFRAG to make sure all DOS files are sitting in the first FATs on the disk - there are also public domain programs for this, NORTON also has one. ** NOTE: You probably should turn of the windows swap file (from the extended 386 menu under Windows) before running DEFRAG) > FIPS a PD utility (e.g. on you use this to split the partition, very easy Be sure to read FIPS.DOC if there are hidden files in the last blocks on disk. > SCANDISK scan the new smaller C: drive to see if still ok this is just to make sure nothing bad happens - i believe you may need to reboot to have DOS see the now smaller size of this partition. Then I rebooted with the boot disk, followed with the root disk. You wind up logging in as root with a memory version of the unix filesystem (df will show a 1440 kb or so filesystem). You can then (my device is SCSI, i.e. /dev/sda, for IDE drives it will be /dev/hda, /dev/hdb etc.) do something like [names and numbers vary for you] # fdisk /dev/sda p (review what current partition is - should have 2) d 2 (need to delete partition 2 in order to split it) n p 2 408 986 (make new partition #2 - your numbers will vary) n p 3 987 1018 (#3, the 16M swap - you will be different) t 3 82 (set this to linux swap type) p review w write it ...... !!!!!!! # mkswap -c /dev/sda3 16384 (actually it complains here since my swap wasn't quite 16M) # swapon /dev/sda3 activates the swap # setup this is that cute console colorful menu program (uses a standard linux program 'dialog') where you install the slackware disks. You make a boot floppy in the end, from which you can boot. You can also use some version of LILO on your MBR (master boot record), but I haven't done that (modifying MBR is always dangerous for the faint of heart!) Somewhere along this 'setup' program I got the question if I wanted DOS to be mounted. So I did, made it /DOS, and later I noted an entry in my /etc/fstab file to this effect. You can always add this in the end, the entry would look something like this: /dev/hda1 /DOS msdos defaults 0 2 or mount it manually for this session: mount -t msdos /dev/hda1 /DOS # reboot this will boot you into your new linux. If something was wrong during this boot/root/setup procedure, you may have to go through it again. Assuming you made a fresh boot floppy of course, you need to have that ready. You can also take a risk and use LILO.