Virtual Observatories and Theory
- ADASS-XI: has
a special focus on VO this year, including discussions of
the role of Simulations and Theory, including a
"Birds of a Feather" (BoF) session.
JENAM-2001 (Munich, Sept. 10-14, 2001 (Joint European and
National Astronomy Meeting) with a
Joint Discussion JD 2 ``Virtual Observatory''.
- Aspen workshop (May 27 - Jun 10, 2001)
[New Astrophysics and Cosmology with a Virtual Observatory ]
spent 2 days on aspects of adding theoretical data to VO.
Tuscon workshop (Mar 20-21, 2001)
[Virtual Observatories and large-scale simulations]
Some VO Links
Some examples of Data
At the Tucson workshop we decided it would be a good idea to have
a "toy-model" (TVO, T being Theory/Toy), with the following
contents: sensus, example data, links to example data and
interactive theory data, example code etc. You can find that
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by PJT.