This is your cheat sheet for those running the TVO demo (4-jan 11pm) ------------------------------------------------------- 0) check the timestamp at the top; URLs listed below may change slightly 1) point the browser to: or on peter's laptop: http://localhost/www/nvodemo2004 they both should work the same, but currently can each only run one demo at a time!! We don't save old data yet. 2) the main CMD comparison demo will be under the link "RUNIT" just the picture of M3. - select a cluster (the default is M30) no need to change the distance from the default, unless you want to play with it. - select a model (AMNH run3 is working ok, though the default button may not seem to work upon first entry) - select a simulation time in MYr; 12000 Myr is ok. - The open cluster works very poorly with the amnh3 data, but try the amnh3 instead. 3) other things that can be shown: - partiview animation of a N=10,000 cluster in space and time. Consumes about 350MB memory. On peter's laptop use a shell with starlab enabled: starlab cd tvo/www/grape/run2 loading can easily take 1-2 minutes, depending on what needs to be cleared from memory. - a few quick links to web demonstrations are also available. These are the result of the MODEST effort (dynamics+stellar evolution). In particular the 'binary evolution' and 'simple N-body integration' (with animations) are very visual and quick. AMNH/Hurley (Aarseth's NBODY4 code on grape) run2 N = 27k, 50% binaries, Z = 0.02 -> rich open cluster dead at ~6 Gyr run3 N = 100k, 0% binaries, Z = 0.001 -> small globular with 40k left at 12 Gyr