It is interesting to compare this model with other bar models proposed for
the Milky Way. The position angle of the bar major axis to the viewing
direction is close to the suggested by Weinberg (1992),
but is considerably larger than the
favoured by Binney
et al. (1991). On the other hand, the pattern speed of the bar in the
simulation places co-rotation at about 2.6 kpc, in good agreement with the
2.4 kpc favoured by Binney et al., but the semi-major axis is considerably
less than Weinberg's estimate of 5 kpc. Blitz & Spergel (1991 and this
meeting), from an analysis of the balloon borne near IR surface photometry,
claim to see a short bar at a still larger angle, but again in the same
quadrant. Whitelock (1992) finds a longitudinal asymmetry in the
distribution of IRAS selected Mira variables, which she also attributes to a
bar. All these strands of evidence indicate a bar-like feature pointing in a
similar direction and the case for the COBE ``bulge'' feature being a bar now
appears quite strong.