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ccdprint - print out map values


ccdprint in=image [parameter=value]


ccdprint prints out map values in an image. The grid is specified in x, y and z independantly, and can be any integer array, including implied do loops, e.g. x=0,10,40:50:2,90,100 will print out values at x=0,10,40,42,44,46,48,50,90,100. Note that the first grid point is 0 by convention in NEMO, though this program can use offset=1 to "think" like a fortran array if that is convenient.

By default the matrix is printed such that the bottom left corner of the output is the first pixel, as in (astronomical) image display. However, by setting yreverse=f it can be printed with the first pixel on the top right. This effect can also be achieved by an appropriate choice of y=NY-1:1:-1, but the user is then required to know NY!

The physical coordinates can be printed out optionally, where the output format is controlled by the newline= parameter.


The following parameters are recognized in any order if the keyword is also given:
input file, in image(5NEMO) format [no default].
Grid coordinates in X to display. If no values given, all gridpoints along this axis will be selected. Note the first gridpoint is 0. By default this program will thus display the first pixel value. [Default: 0].
Grid coordinates in Y to display. See x=. [Default: 0].
Grid coordinates in Z to display. See x=. [Default: 0].
scale factor with which the data is multiplied before being displayed [default: 1].
Real-valued C-format expression (see also printf(3) , e.g. %10.6e, %5.2f) with which data and optional coordinate values are displayed [default: %g].
Add a newline between each map value printed? If false, all rows are printed on one line, and a blank line separates different planes. [Default: f]
Any combination of x, y and/or z can be given, which labels the output with their X, Y and/or Z physical values. If newline has been set to true, the selected labels are printed for each coordinate selected (this produces a nicely formatted table that can be easily used by subsequent analysis programs), whereas the default value would print a row of X coordinates before each printed plane , and a left column of Y coordinates, if selected. Each new plane is preceded with a plane coordinate also. This option is more readable for humans, but not easily processed by other programs. [Default: no labels].
Should X,Y,Z be 0- or 1- based. NEMO images use 0-based images, but to appease fortran users, 1-based input can be given here if this parameter is set to 1. Default: 0
Reverse printing the Y values. By default this is true, such that the printed layout resembles how it is normally displayed in an image display (at least astronomically). [Default: t]
Print out X,Y,Z labels in physical or pixel coordinates. By default physical. [Default: f]
Should input (x,y,z) be paired up [f]
Print a sequence using access shortcut [0]

See Also

printf(3) , image(5NEMO)


Peter Teuben


~src/image/io    ccdprint.c ccdprint.1

Update History

23-jan-89    V1.0: Created                 PJT
8-jul-93    V1.1: added defaults ’all’ for blank x=, y=, z=      PJT
9-jul-93    V1.2: added label=    PJT
28-jul-02    V1.3: documented offset=, added pixel=    PJT
8-nov-05    V1.4: added yreverse= and better handling of blank lines    PJT
26-jan-2021    V1.7: use reference pixel    PJT

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