00002 c
00003 c Copyright (c) 1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,
00004 c by Steve McMillan, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
00005 c
00006 c All rights reserved.
00007 c
00008 c Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
00009 c provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
00010 c duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
00011 c advertising materials, and other materials related to such
00012 c distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
00013 c by the author named above.
00014 c
00018 c
00020 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
00021 c
00022 c Simple on-line help routines.
00023 c
00024 c Contents: help
00025 c wr
00026 c fullhelp
00027 c
00028 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
00030 subroutine help(keyword)
00031 c
00032 character*(*) keyword
00033 c
00034 c Describe available options.
00035 c
00036 call wrinit(keyword)
00037 c
00038 call wr('!{range}: reexecute {historical }command(s)')
00039 call wr('!n^x"y": {reexecute n and }subs{titute} y for x')
00040 call wr('?: {type }short help{ info}')
00041 call wr('={#}: specify box{ location and size}')
00042 call wr('*: suppress most output')
00043 call wr('2d{ array}: 2-D plot{ of the data in the'
00044 & ' specified array}')
00045 call wr('3d{ array}: 3-D plot{ of the data in the'
00046 & ' specified array}')
00047 call wr('a+(-*/^){ array1 array2 [array3]}: array1{ }'
00048 & '+{ }array2 (etc){ --> array2 [array3]}')
00049 call wr('a>{ array1 array2 [array3]}: max(array1,{ }'
00050 & 'array2){ --> array2 [array3]}')
00051 call wr('a<{ array1 array2 [array3]}: min(array1,{ }'
00052 & 'array2){ --> array2 [array3]}')
00053 call wr('a={ array1 array2}: array assignment'
00054 & '{ (array2 = array1)}')
00055 call wr('a\\{ array}: reverse array{ [array(1) <-->'
00056 & ' array(n), etc.]}')
00057 call wr('a!{ array nskip}: array compress'
00058 & '{ (select every (nskip+1)-th element)')
00059 call wr('aa{ array}: {array --> }abs(array)')
00060 call wr('ac{ array min max}: array clip'
00061 & '{ to min and max}')
00062 call wr('ai{ array}: invert array{ [array(i) --> 1/array(i)]}')
00063 call wr('an{ angle}: specify angle{ for strings}')
00064 call wr('an-: restore{ previous} angle{ for strings}')
00065 call wr('ao{ array offset}: offset array{ by specified'
00066 & ' amount [array(i+offset) = array(i)]}')
00067 call wr('ar{ xt yt xh yh}: draw an arrow{ from (xt,yt)'
00068 & ' to (xh,yh)}')
00069 call wr('arh{ size}: specify arrowhead size{ in screen units}')
00070 call wr('as{ ratio}: define aspect ratio')
00071 call wr('au{ array}: autocorrelation{ of specified array}')
00072 call wr('b: draw box{ (all parameters settable)}')
00073 call wr('b-{ n flag}: restore earlier box{ parameters}')
00074 call wr('bb: draw unadorned box')
00075 call wr('bc: {toggle attempt to }make "=n" frames closer')
00076 call wr('bi: increase box size')
00077 call wr('bn: scale, without {actually drawing }a box')
00078 call wr('bo{ x y scale}: offset{ and scale} box')
00079 call wr('bs: list box stack')
00080 call wr('c{ col#1 col#2}: input columns{ to x and y}')
00081 call wr('cb{ color}: set background{ color,'
00082 & ' if applicable}')
00083 call wr('cd{ directory}: change{ working} directory')
00084 call wr('cm{ file}: show {(or specify) }colormap'
00085 & '{ (if filename supplied)}')
00086 call wr('co{ color}: specify color{ of lines and text}')
00087 call wr('co-: restore{ previous} color{ of lines and text}')
00088 call wr('cu{ array}: {replace array by its }cumulative sum')
00089 call wr('cx(y,z){ filename}: read image{ file contining x(y,z)}')
00090 call wr('d {x y}: draw line{ to (x y)}')
00091 call wr('da {x y}: draw line{ to absolute (x y)}')
00092 call wr('dd: draw dashed line{ (set pattern with "t")}')
00093 call wr('de{ device}: specify {graphics }device{ or new window}')
00094 call wr('diff{ a1 a2 a3}: differentiate array{ a2 with'
00095 & ' respect to a1, place in a3 (def: a2)}')
00096 call wr('dx(y,z): {x(y,z) --> }10**x(y,z)')
00097 call wr('e[a]: erase {entire }screen')
00098 call wr('eb: erase {interior of }box')
00099 call wr('ec{ string}: echo input')
00100 call wr('el: erase label')
00101 call wr('er{ [xmin xmax ymin ymax]}: erase rectangle'
00102 & '{ [no argument ==> erase all]}')
00103 call wr('erc{ size}: {specify }error-bar cap{ size}')
00104 call wr('erp{ direction #sides}: {as for }"err", {but }limited'
00105 $ ' by {the current }point size}')
00106 call wr('err{ direction #sides}: draw error bars{ from z}')
00107 call wr('ex(y,z): {x(y,z) --> }exp(x[y,z])')
00108 call wr('f{ filename [\\nh]}: specify filename'
00109 & '{ [and header length] for x, y and z input}')
00110 call wr('fc: close{ currently open data} file')
00111 call wr('f1[p]{ [xl xu]}: {linear }fit [+ plot]'
00112 & '{ in [xl, xu]}')
00113 call wr('f2[p]{ [xl xu]}: {linear }fit [+ plot]'
00114 & '{ in [xl, xu], weighted by z}')
00115 call wr('fo: toggle{ between plain and fancy}'
00116 & ' numeric labels')
00117 call wr('fp[p]{ m [xl xu]}: {m-th order polynomial }fit'
00118 & ' [+ plot]{ in [xl, xu]}')
00119 call wr('ft[p]{ m [xl xu]}: {m-th order trigonometric '
00120 & 'polynomial }fit [+ plot]{ in [xl, xu]}')
00121 call wr('fz[p]{ m [xl xu]}: {m-th order polynomial }fit'
00122 & ' [+ plot]{ in [xl, xu], weighted by z}')
00123 call wr('g: get graphic input{ (and save location)}')
00124 call wr('gc: get color{ from color bar}')
00125 call wr('gd(m): g and draw (move)')
00126 call wr('gs{ prompt}: {prompt and }get string from stdin')
00127 call wr('h: {type }long help{ information}')
00128 call wr('h?: report {current }height{ setting}s{ (hn, hs, hp)}')
00129 call wr('hg{[n] del [ref]}: draw{ [normalized]} z histogram')
00130 call wr('hg1{[n] del [ref]}: draw{ another} z histogram')
00131 call wr('hg2: draw{ another} z histogram')
00132 call wr('hgxy: draw histogram{ from x and y}')
00133 call wr('hge: toggle{/set histogram} error-bars')
00134 call wr('hgm: toggle{/set} histo{gram} mode')
00135 call wr('hgs: toggle{/set} histo{gram} save{ mode}')
00136 call wr('hh: {type }complete help{ information}')
00137 call wr('hi{ range}: list {range of }history')
00138 call wr('hk{ string}: keyword help{ on the specified string}')
00139 call wr('hl: horizontal y-label')
00140 call wr('hn{ height}: set number heights')
00141 call wr('hn*{ factor}: increase hn{ by specified factor}')
00142 call wr('hn/{ factor}: reduce hn{ by specified factor}')
00143 call wr('hn-: restore{ previous} hn')
00144 call wr('hp{ height}: set point heights')
00145 call wr('hp*{ factor}: increase hp{ by specified factor}')
00146 call wr('hp/{ factor}: reduce hp{ by specified factor}')
00147 call wr('hp-: restore{ previous} hp')
00148 call wr('hs{ height}: set symbol heights')
00149 call wr('hs*{ factor}: increase hs{ by specified factor}')
00150 call wr('hs/{ factor}: reduce hs{ by specified factor}')
00151 call wr('hs-: restore{ previous} hs')
00152 call wr('i{ [array1]}: info on array(s)'
00153 & '{ [no argument ==> x and y]}')
00154 call wr('ic{ [comment-char]}: {toggle }comments in data '
00155 & 'file{ [and specify comment character]}')
00156 call wr('id: idle{ (wait for graphic input)}')
00157 call wr('im: toggle input mode{ to allow non-numeric columns}')
00158 call wr('in{ filename}: take input from {specified }file')
00159 call wr('int{ a1 a2 a3}: integrate array{ a2 with respect'
00160 & ' to a1, place in a3 (def = a2)}')
00161 call wr('iw{ window}: iconify{ specified output} window')
00162 call wr('j{ jth}: set jth')
00163 call wr('ki{ window}: kill {specified X-}window')
00164 call wr('kw{ window}: kill {specified X-}window')
00165 call wr('l{ [xmin xmax ymin ymax]}: get x,y limits'
00166 & '{ [arguments ==> limits forced]}')
00167 call wr('l=: {choose }box from {loop }counter')
00168 call wr('la{ label}: draw overall label')
00169 call wr('lc: set color from loop{ counter}')
00170 call wr('lgx(y,z): {x(y,z) --> }log10(x[y,z])')
00171 call wr('ln: set n-gons from loop{ counter}')
00172 call wr('lnx(y,z): {x(y,z) --> }ln(x[y,z])')
00173 call wr('lo{ offset}: {specify }label offset'
00174 & '{ above top of box}')
00175 call wr('loop{ lower upper inc}: loop {as specified }over'
00176 & ' {the remaining }commands')
00177 call wr('lp: print loop{ counter}')
00178 call wr('lw: set weight from loop{ counter}')
00179 call wr('ly: read y from loop{ (counter gives column)}')
00180 call wr('m{ x y}: move pointer{ to (x,y)}')
00181 call wr('ma{ x y}: move pointer{ to absolute (x,y)}')
00182 call wr('mo{ modex modey}: specify {frame }modes')
00183 call wr('mv{ array1 array2}: move array')
00184 call wr('n{ #}: specify ngons')
00185 call wr('nc: toggle{ use of} comma {as delimiter in "smart" '
00186 & 'input mode}')
00187 call wr('np{ x y}: plot an ngon{ at (x,y)}')
00188 call wr('nx{ value}: set x dimension')
00189 call wr('nxy{ value}: set x & y{ dimensions}')
00190 call wr('nxyz{ value}: set x, y, & z{ dimensions}')
00191 call wr('ny{ value}: set y dimension')
00192 call wr('nz{ value}: set z dimension')
00193 call wr('o{ frx fry}: {specify }strpos offsets')
00194 call wr('o-: restore{ previous strpos} offsets')
00195 call wr('of{ dx dy dz}: set offsets{ for x, y, z data}')
00196 call wr('p{ i1 i2}: plot graph{ from i1 to i2 (line '
00197 & 'type set by "t")}')
00198 call wr('pa: new page')
00199 call wr('pc{ i1 i2}: plot graph, z-colored')
00200 call wr('pf{ color}: fill polygons{ with specified color}')
00201 call wr('po: plot points only{ (same as "j -1")}')
00202 call wr('pr: PostScript print{ and reinitialize output file}')
00203 call wr('prc: PostScript print{ and close current output file}')
00204 call wr('ps: power spectrum of y(x){, replace x by frequency}')
00205 call wr('psc: {toggle use of }color {in }Postscript')
00206 call wr('psq: close {current }Postscript {output }file')
00207 call wr('psr: toggle {forced }rewriting of {long }Postscript'
00208 $ '{ files}')
00209 call wr('pwd: print {working }directory')
00210 call wr('px{ x1 x2}: plot graph{ from x1 to x2}')
00211 call wr('pz {z1 z2}: plot, subject to z'
00212 & '{ (z1 .le. z .le. z2)}')
00213 call wr('q: quit')
00214 call wr('q1: wait {(e.g. for graphic input) }and quit')
00215 call wr('qc: terminate graphics{, but don''t quit}')
00216 call wr('quiet: suppress {most }output')
00217 call wr('ra{ array}: assign ramp{ to array}')
00218 call wr('reb{ array interval}: rebin array'
00219 & '{ to specified interval}')
00220 call wr('rep{ range}: replay {specified }command range')
00221 call wr('res: reset graphics')
00222 call wr('rn{ array}: {assign }random numbers{ in [0,1) to array}')
00223 call wr('rp: register print')
00224 call wr('rr{ line1 line2}: specify read range{ for file input}')
00225 call wr('rs{ value}: register set')
00226 call wr('rx{[y,z] i}: save x{[y,z](i)} in register ')
00227 call wr('s[s]{ string}: draw a {[X/PostScript/SUN]}string')
00228 call wr('s+(-*/^){ array1 scalar [array2]}: scalar'
00229 & ' add, etc{ [result to array2]}')
00230 call wr('s={ array scalar}: array set{ to scalar value}')
00231 call wr('sa{ filename}: save x,y and z{ data in filename}')
00232 call wr('sb{ ib ie fr}: set symbol-box{ parameters'
00233 & ' (border, erase, fraction)}')
00234 call wr('sc{ sx sy sz}: set scaling{ for x, y, z data}')
00235 call wr('sl{ time}: sleep{ for a specified number of seconds}')
00236 call wr('sm{ factor}: decrease box size'
00237 & '{ by specified amount}')
00238 call wr('smo{ dx iopt1 iopt2}: smooth y(x) --> z')
00239 call wr('so{ array}: array {ascending }sort')
00240 call wr('so-{ array}: array {descending }sort')
00241 call wr('so2{ array1 array2}: array sort{ with baggage}')
00242 call wr('stat: print status {of graphics system}')
00243 call wr('sw{ array1 array2}: swap arrays')
00244 call wr('sy{ command}: {execute a }UNIX command')
00245 call wr('t{ [i1 i2 i3 i4]}: specify line type'
00246 & '{ [no argument ==> solid]}')
00247 call wr('ti{ [level]}: {specify }tick-mark level')
00248 call wr('tx{[y,z] n}: type {first n elements of'
00249 & ' specified }array')
00250 call wr('u: unplot graph')
00251 call wr('v: invert plot mode')
00252 call wr('vl: vertical y-label')
00253 call wr('w{ width}: {specify }line widths')
00254 call wr('w-: restore{ previous}line widths')
00255 call wr('wi{ window}: {specify }output window')
00256 call wr('x{ col#}: load x{ from specified column}')
00257 call wr('xl(p){ label}: specify {(and plot) }x-label')
00258 call wr('xoff: omit x-axis')
00259 call wr('xon: draw x-axis')
00260 call wr('xw: {print }current window')
00261 call wr('xx{ [#points]}: load x{, ignoring column structure}')
00262 call wr('y{ col#}: load y{ from specified column}')
00263 call wr('ya{ option}: specify y-axis mode')
00264 call wr('yh:{ (toggle) height of} y{-axis} numbers'
00265 $ ' follow{s} x{-axis numbers}')
00266 call wr('yoff: omit y-axis')
00267 call wr('yon: draw y-axis')
00268 call wr('yl(p){ label}: specify {(and plot) }y-label')
00269 call wr('yy{ [#points]}: load y{, ignoring column structure}')
00270 call wr('z{ col#}: load z{ from specified column}')
00271 call wr('z-{ nout}: zoom out{ by specified number of frames}')
00272 call wr('z0: return to top {(unzoomed) }level')
00273 call wr('zoom: zoom in{ on cursor-specified region}')
00274 call wr('zs: display{ the} zoom stack')
00275 call wr('zz{ [#points]}: load z{, ignoring column structure}')
00276 c
00277 call wrend
00278 c
00279 end
00282 subroutine wr(string)
00283 save
00284 c
00285 character*(*) string
00286 character in*100,out*80,key*80,keyword*80
00287 common /hlevel/ ihelp
00288 character*2 hindx
00289 common /hindex/ hindx
00290 c
00291 data key/' '/
00292 c
00293 if (key(1:1).gt.' ') then
00294 if (index(string,key(1:nk)).le.0) return
00295 else
00296 if (hindx(1:1).gt.' '.and.hindx(1:1).ne.string(1:1)) return
00297 if (hindx(2:2).gt.' '.and.hindx(2:2).ne.string(2:2)) return
00298 end if
00299 c
00300 l = len(string)
00301 in(1:l) = string
00302 loff = 0
00303 iex = 0
00304 do 10 i = 1,l
00305 if(iex.eq.0)in(i-loff:i-loff) = in(i:i)
00306 if(ihelp.eq.2)then
00307 if(in(i:i).eq.'{'.or.in(i:i).eq.'}')loff = loff+1
00308 else
00309 if(in(i:i).eq.'{')iex = 1
00310 if(iex.eq.1)loff = loff+1
00311 if(in(i:i).eq.'}')iex = 0
00312 end if
00313 10 continue
00314 l = l-loff
00315 c
00316 if(ihelp.eq.2)then
00317 write(6,*)in(1:l)
00318 else
00319 out(ioff+1:ioff+l) = in(1:l)
00320 if (l.ge.26) out(ioff+26:ioff+l) = ' '
00321 kount = kount+1
00322 if(kount.eq.3)then
00323 write(6,*)out(1:min(78,ioff+l))
00324 kount = 0
00325 ioff = 0
00326 out = ' '
00327 else
00328 ioff = ioff+26
00329 end if
00330 end if
00331 return
00332 c
00333 entry wrinit(keyword)
00334 c
00335 key = keyword
00336 c
00337 kount = 0
00338 ioff = 0
00339 out = ' '
00340 write(6,*)
00341 if (key(1:1).gt.' ') then
00342 nk = len(key)
00343 do while (key(nk:nk).le.' ')
00344 nk = nk - 1
00345 end do
00346 if (nk.le.0) then
00347 nk = 1
00348 key(1:1) = ' '
00349 end if
00350 end if
00351 return
00352 c
00353 entry wrend
00354 c
00355 if (kount.gt.0) write(6,*)out(1:ioff+l)
00356 write(6,*)
00357 c
00358 end
00361 subroutine fullhelp
00362 save
00363 c
00364 c Type out the contents of the mcdraw primer...
00365 c
00366 parameter (NDIR = 10)
00367 character*120 directory(NDIR)
00368 dimension ldir(NDIR)
00369 c
00370 character*100 line
00371 c
00372 logical UNIX
00373 parameter (UNIX = .true.)
00374 c
00375 c Look in the same places as for the simbol fonts.
00376 c
00377 nd = NDIR
00378 call listdir(directory,ldir,nd,iunit)
00379 if (iunit.lt.0) return
00380 c
00381 do 100 idir=1,nd
00382 if (ldir(idir).gt.0) then
00383 open(iunit,file=directory(idir)(1:ldir(idir))
00384 &
00385 & status='old',form='formatted',err=100)
00386 c
00387 c Print out the contents of the help file.
00388 c
00389 write(6,*)'Found help file ',
00390 & directory(idir)(1:ldir(idir))
00391 c
00392 if (UNIX) then
00393 c
00394 c Suppress this, because unit 0 isn't always stderr!
00395 c
00396 c write(0,*)'(Spawning a subshell',
00397 c & ' to display the help file...)'
00398 call system('more '
00399 &
00400 return
00401 else
00402 c
00403 c Brain-dead systems...
00404 c
00405 30 read(iunit,'(a)',err=200,end=200)line
00406 c
00407 do 50 i=100,1,-1
00408 if (line(i:i).gt.' ') then
00409 write(6,'(a)')line(1:i)
00410 go to 30
00411 end if
00412 50 continue
00413 c
00414 write(6,*)
00415 go to 30
00416 end if
00417 end if
00418 100 continue
00419 c
00420 200 return
00421 end