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Setting up an N-body experiment

Assuming NEMO is part of your UNIX environment, let us setup an encounter between two equal mass Plummer spheres:

    % mkplummer out=p1 nbody=1024
    % mkplummer out=p2 nbody=1024
    % snapstack in1=p1 in2=p2 out=p3 deltar=-10,0, deltav="-sqrt(2),0,0"
    nbody1 = 1024    nbody2 = 1024

The file p3 now contains a snapshot ready for integration. This file is a binary file, and it's contents can be viewed with the tsf program:

    % tsf p3
    char Headline[33] "set_xrandom: seed used 781656448"
    char History[70] "snapstack in1=p1 in2=p2 out=p3 deltar=-10,0, deltav=-
      sqrt(2),0,0 1.1b"
    char History[41] "mkplummer out=p1 nbody=1024 VERSION=2.5a"
    char History[41] "mkplummer out=p2 nbody=1024 VERSION=2.5a"
    set SnapShot
      set Parameters
        int Nobj 04000 
      set Particles
        int CoordSystem 0201402 
        double Mass[2048] 0.000976562 0.000976562 0.000976562 0.000976562 
          0.000976562 0.000976562 0.000976562 0.000976562 0.000976562 
          0.000976562 0.000976562 0.000976562 0.000976562 0.000976562 
          0.000976562 0.000976562 0.000976562 0.000976562 0.000976562 
          . . .
        double PhaseSpace[2048][2][3] -5.31134 -0.312107 0.374856 0.649829 
          -0.494992 -0.354558 -5.32339 -0.224862 -0.673369 -0.425955 
          -0.211239 -0.0150187 -5.36356 -0.149557 0.390671 -0.0420343 
          0.752242 -0.305977 -5.39578 -0.635058 -0.0153547 0.956519 
          . . .

Sat Oct 8 19:06:02 EDT 1994