Sellwood 1993
The file
stars.dat.gz contains the six
phase space coordinates of particles
at the last moment of the run described in his paper titled
"A bar model for the Galactic bulge"
the proceedings of the
"Back to the Galaxy"
conference edited by S S Holt & F Verter (New York: AIP press) pp 133--136
(1993). The 6 coordinates for all 43802 particles
are arranged in the following order (note the reversed coordinates!)
z, y, x, vz, vy, vx
but do not always appear on the same line. The fortran statement
REAL x(43802),y(43802),z(43802),vx(43802),vy(43802),vz(43802)
DO i=1,43802
READ (*,*) z(i), y(i), x(i), vz(i), vy(i), vx(i)
should however read the data correctly. Within NEMO the program
tabtos(1NEMO) can be used
as follows to read in the data in
snapshot(5NEMO) format:
zcat stars.dat.gz | tabtos - stars.snap block1=pos,vel nbody=43802 options=wrap
for further
Some more practical information can be found in the
README file.