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ccdtrace - interpolate a set of coordinates from an image
ccdtrace takes a set of (X,Y) coordinates,
in the form of an ascii table(1NEMO)
, and interpolates them from an image(1NEMO)
The output will also be in standard table format. The input coordinate must
be in the physical coordinates of the input image, as defined by Xmin/Ymin/Dx/Dy
coordinates (see tsf(1NEMO)
to view them). Sky image copied via FITS can
sometimes have unexpected units. See also fits(5NEMO)
The following
parameters are recognized in order; they may be given in any order if the
keyword is also given. Use --help to confirm this man page is up to date.
- in=image
- Input Image(5NEMO)
file. Currently only 2D images are supported,
for 3D cubes the first plane could be used. No default.
- out=xyi_table
- Output
table of X,Y,I coordinates. No default.
- xytab=xy_table
- Input table of X,Y
coordinates (in units of the WCS of the input image). No default.
- nmax=
- Allocation
space for input XY table, if needed. This value is only needed when the
XY table is read from a device which cannot seek (e.g. a pipe). Default: 10000.
- cumul=t|f
- Add a 4th column in the output which is the culumative length,
in the native units. Default: f
- wcs=t|f
- By default, the table is assumed
to be in WCS (the units used in the image), but with wcs=f you can use
pixel coordinates.
- dx=
- Optional X offset added to table. [Default: 0]
- dy=
- Optional Y offset added to table. [Default: 0]
, tsf(1NEMO)
, image(5NEMO)
, fits(5NEMO)
, ccdfits(1NEMO)
Peter Teuben
31-jul-96 V1.0 Created Peter Teuben
26-sep-2001 V1.0a updated doc, fixed code for file_lines PJT
26-jul-2015 V1.1 added cumul=t option PJT
26-jul-2015 V1.2 added wcs=f option PJT
Table of Contents