First we need to complete the creation of the NEMO directory structureG.5as needed for this particular $NEMOHOST. Also a few files within the system need to have write permission by all users:
% make dirs
You will likely see comments that certain directories and files exist, which is fine. This install command can be rerun without any danger when updates come in. If you get some kind of error message like:
Badly placed ()'s. *** Error code 1 (ignored)
it is most likely that you are within a strict SYSV-like environment, that directly imports the SHELL variable into make, and since our makefile's are written with the assumption that /bin/sh is the make-shell, one has to use something like:
% make dirs SHELL=/bin/sh
By copying the appropriate make.* script from $NEMO/src/scripts/ into $NEMOBIN, this problem is generally solved.
Also a few files are created that are needed when running NEMO. These
are summarized in Table . If you expect to run
the import/export scripts and be in regular contact with the central
source archive, you need to give them your
NEMOSITE name alias,
and edit the NEMORC.local file appropriately.
The YAPPLIB probably needs to be set to one of the available
YAPP_* variables from the NEMORC file, since the default
is YAPP_NULL (no graphics output!).
The sensible thing to do, is going through the installation of the
library (as discussed in Section
after which some tests in the directory
$NEMO/src/kernel/yapp will tell you which graphics device
is easiest to install on your machine.