NEMO - An Extendible Stellar Dynamics Toolbox.
This page is special shortened
ADASS-IV poster version,
the full page can be retrieved on URL .
What is NEMO?
is an extendible Stellar Dynamics Toolbox. It has various
programs to create, integrate, analyze and visualize N-body like systems. In
addition there are various tools to operate on images, tables and orbits,
including FITS files to export/import to/from other astronomical data
reduction packages. We also advertise
other software packages ,
which try and solve similar problems.
- The
Users and Programmers Guide is
an extensive (150 pages) manual. It's four major parts give
a general introduction, a cookbook with many examples, a
programmers guide and an appendix with many reference sections.
- The Survival Guide
is intended for the casual usual, who is familiar with
operating packages within UNIX.
- A summary of features.
- A Tutorial for the eager users
who want to see what you can do, and try out features.
( under construction )
- A set of UNIX manual pages, that acts as online reference guide, which
make X-windows browsers such as
xman and
very useful tools:
- On Toolboxes and Telescopes , by
Hut and Sussman, (1986)
in: The Use of Supercomputers in Stellar Dynamics,
Springer Verlag, p 193-198.
- An Environment for Experiments in
Stellar Dynamics , by:
Barnes, Hernquist, Hut and Teuben (1988) BAAS, 20, 706.
- A Laboratory for Gravitational
Scattering Experiments by Hut, in: IAU colloq 109,
pp. yyy.
- NEMO: A Stellar Dynamics Toolbox ,
by Teuben (1994, PASJ, xxx, yyy) overviews the current state of
NEMO and introduces a proposal to use
FITS as a vehicle to interchange and archive NBODY data
(see also the QUESTIONNAIRE ).
A gzip compressed
postscript version
of this paper is also available.
Sci.Data.Formats FAQ discussion may be relevant.
The example program mentioned in
PASJ94 writes
- A bootstrap
loader from our
anonymous ftp .
This small C-shell script , that you can
save ( Save As... in Mosaic) anywhere on your local disk,
and execute to bootstrap NEMO. For example,
- chmod +x bootstrap
- bootstrap nemo=/usr/nemo
will pick up the tar file from Maryland, and install a bootstrap
version of NEMO, including a few small programs, in a directory
called /usr/nemo and below.
- A
tar file, that contains the
latest ( ) release.
NEMO nbody fits proposal (This is now an outdated version,
please refer to the
1994 PASJ paper
Difficulties during installation are most likely resolved by consulting
Appendix G in the (rather large)
manual ,
and checking last minute changes that are
discussed in the $NEMO/README file.